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Get your creative juices going and design a T-Shirt for FOLLKAS and our community! We are very excited to launch our official merchandise and the winner will be the first one launched in June 2021!

T-Shirt Design Requirements:

  • Contest is open to ALL!

  • Design will appear on the back of the shirt, in most likely one color and may not to exceed 12” wide and 13” high

  • Design must include our logo OR our acronym  "FOLLKAS" OR our full name "Friends of the Linda. L Kelley Animal Shelter"

  • Digital entries preferred. Email designs to All entry emails should have the subject line “T-shirt Design Contest”​

  • Files should be emailed as no less than 300 DPI in one of following formats: PDF, PNG, or JPEG. Please be prepared to submit the original file in the case your artwork is chosen.

  • Hand-drawn entries will also be accepted. Hand-drawn entries will need to have clean lines and be colored in dark ink with high contrast between objects and text within the design. This will ensure the design can be easily digitized by a media artist and then reproduced by silkscreen.

  • Designs must be received by 8:00 PM (EST) on Monday, May 10 to be eligible. Late designs will not be considered.

  • Designs must be able to be printed on multiple colors ranging from white, blue, black and gray t-shirts and must be able to be printed in one to three colors (most likely white). Designs can be submitted as more than one color but will be altered to one color if needed to work on multiple colored shirts.

  • The design must be your own original, unpublished work and must not include any third-party logos or copyrighted material (photos, slogans, images, etc.). By entering the competition, you agree that your submission is your own work. Submissions using copyrighted material will automatically be disqualified.

  • By submitting a design to the FOLLKAS 2021 T-Shirt Design Contest, the artists grant FOLLKAS permission to publish, display, or otherwise make this design available for viewing. These rights will not expire but will exist for as long as the company continues to use this design.

  • Winner will be announced June 1 - Winner will receive a $50 Gift Card. 

  • Shirts will go on sale in June!!!

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